All Prices are $10 or more per Notary Stamp. The travel fee is per trip to the location. You can have many documents notarized at the same time, with only one travel fee.
Hospital Visits and Nursing Facilities Travel Fees start at $125.00, (instead of the $45.00 fee.) Plus the cost of the notarization fees.
Medical Power of Attorney
-At my office is $10.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $10.00 + one travel fee starting at $45.00.
Directive To Physicians And Family Surrogates
-At my office is $10.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $10.00 + one travel fee starting at $45.00.
Living Will Declaration
-At my office is $60.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $10.00 + one travel fee starting at $110.00.
Life Estate Deed (Transfer on Death Deed)
-At my office is $10.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $10.00 + one travel fee starting at $45.00.
-Will need to be filed in County Clerk's Office for recording. The cost varies by county.
Execution of Statutory Durable Power of Attorney (Requires signer, two witnesses, plus Notary)
-At my office is $60.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $110.00.
-If further, call for price. 832-233-8321
Execution of The Last Will and Testament (Requires signer, two witnesses, plus Notary)
-At my office is $60.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $110.00.
-If further, call for price. 832-233-8321
Application for Death Record
-At my office is $10.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $10.00 + one travel fee starting at $45.00.
Texas HIPPA Medical Release
-At my office is $10.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $10.00 + one travel fee starting at $45.00.
Affidavit of Heirship (Requires signer, two witnesses, plus Notary)
-At my office is $60.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $110.00.
-If further, call for price. 832-233-8321
Small Estate Affidavit
-At my office is $10.00.
-Mobile if <=10 miles is $10.00 + one travel fee starting at $45.00.
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